Why did I learn UX being a developer?

Denisson Felipe
2 min readMay 8, 2020


Origin: https://www.slideshare.net/ezekielbinion/ux-vs-dev-bridging-the-gap-22436156

In order to create a digital product like an app, website or systems it is necessary to understand what is the problem that will be solved and how the user will use your solution. And UX helps in this process, by creating usability tests, prototypes, wireframes test scenarios… To get more skills about that I took the course Desing circuit, and that helped me so much to understand more the users and facilitate communication with Designers, so I will share my vision after I learned UX.

New Insights 🔭

When I had the only perspective of a developer, I was limited to thinking just about the coding, architecture, time to implement a feature, how does it is work on backend… and that is necessary, but you can help your team create new insights of the product, think in a new strategy to some problem or propose a new approach when I think like a UX Designer my mind is more creative and I can think out of the box and help my team and users to create an awesome product.

Better communication with Designers 🗣

Having good communication with designers is very good for creating a great product and thinking in new solutions together. knowing the principals about UX makes you understand the importance of studying the user before creating any layout and why it was created that way and you could create the right questions for discussing with Designers.

Become a better Professional 🎓

Knowing about each area in the development process like (Design, Development, Testing, Infrastructure) makes you a better professional. You do not need to be an expert guy in everything, but knowing principles is important. Definitely when you learn UX/UI your vision about the world will change.

End 👋

That is it guys, I hope I have helped you with my experience. Bye (:



Denisson Felipe

I’ve always been a curious guy and fascinated per new technologies, that took me to discover programming and now I’m sharing my experience on Medium.