How I work remotely — TIPS

Denisson Felipe
2 min readMar 27, 2020

In this article, I will talk about my routine working in home-office.

Create a routine 🗓

Is important to create a routine when working remotely, because our day, has many distractions and if you do not have focus won’t be productive, you need to have time to work, rest, family and for you be productive on the job it is necessary to know which is your time more productive, morning maybe afternoon or night? when you know you can plan your routine.

Tasks ✅

Every day we do many things as meeting, cook, work, training but when we are working remotely it is necessary to prioritize what you need to do in the job and your life, to make it clearer what you’re doing. That is my tips:

  • Create a list of what you need to do in the week.
  • Prioritize from the most important to the least important
  • Use a task manager to help you like Trello, Wunderlist.

Study 📚

When we working remotely it is good to continue learning and discovering new things, for that separate a time for study (read a book, watch a video or do a curse). Through that, you will become more competitive and updated.

Food ☕️ 🍲

Eating good aliments is better for keeping a life healthy and more productive, I fell lighter. I eating fast food but it is important to have control and drinking a lot of water.

Job 💼

Have a great communication is essential and raise your hand when there a problem or can’t advance on your task, is necessary using tools to help

  • Slack
  • Zoom
  • Jira / Trello
  • G-mail

And Spotify :) 🎧

Try to be more present in calls, discussions, Ideas.

Sleep 😴

That is a good point, I’ve had difficulties disconnecting from work and social media. A big tip is has time to wake up and go to bed. When going to bed try to move away from the smartphone and turn off all lights and empty your thoughts.

End 👋

That is it guys, I hope I have helped you with my experience. Bye (:



Denisson Felipe

I’ve always been a curious guy and fascinated per new technologies, that took me to discover programming and now I’m sharing my experience on Medium.